Who shouldn't
Please review the contraindications
below and let us know if they apply to you.

Breathwork ​
The following conditions are not compatible with breathwork due to the potential for intense emotional and psychological releases: * Cardiovascular disease * Glaucoma * Detached retina * History of strokes or seizures * Osteoporosis * Asthma and lung related diseases * Pregnancy * Epilepsy * High blood pressure * Bi-polar, schizophrenia and psychiatric conditions that may impair your ability to process intense emotional releases
Somatic Dance
The following conditions may not be compatible with somatic dance and require you to check in with our team before registration: * Asthma and lung related diseases * Pregnancy * Epilepsy * High blood pressure * Bi-polar, schizophrenia and psychiatric conditions that may impair your ability to process intense emotional releases