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1:1 Somatic Breathwork

Remove the emotional blockages
keeping you stuck with personalized
one on one sessions. 




Somatic Breathwork Can Help You:

Release stuck emotions
that fuel self-sabotage
Heal from old traumas
that are holding you back
Clear your mental fog 
and gain more clarity
Dissolve your stress/anxiety
and deeply relax 
Unblock your creativity
and get ideas flowin'
Inspire profound spiritual
awakenings + breakthroughs

If mindset work has only gotten you so far
and you want to go a layer deeper and release
what is getting in the way of the life you want...


The liberation you seek
is on the other side of your
next breath

3 Packages to Support Your Liberation

Booking a package gives us the chance to create more safety
while clearing out layer after layer of stress and blocked energy,
which will inevitably leads to deeper, lasting results.


If you'd like to try a single session before committing to a package,
come to one of our Liberate Your Life Force classes held twice a month.

Hey, I'm Gary.

I believe that Somatic Breathwork is your golden ticket to clearing out the stress and stuckness weighing you down.
It's certainly been a gamechanger for me, particularly as someone who repressed A LOT over the years.

Releasing your unresolved emotions creates the space for more of who you really are to shine through.

The calmer, clearer, abundantly creative, emotionally regulated, grounded, more liberated version of you.
Let's get crackin' and clear out what's in the way so you can access all this and more.... because you deserve it, honey!


Gary Gottselig

Certified Somatic Breathwork Facilitator
Certified Trauma Informed Somatic Coach
Co-Founder, Liberate Your Life Force
Remote Healing Mastery Certificate


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"The somatic work I did with Gary was deeply illuminating. He held space with complete openness and respect, and I felt safe to truly drop in, experience my emotions, and express them without inhibition. His support and guidance helped me to make contact with a tender piece of myself that I will never again reject or abandon.”


Jared W.

Evolutionary Astrologist ~ Inner Moonlight Astrology

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Breathwork and energy work are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. This class is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program.


These sessions are offered as part of our practice as a facilitators, healers and coaches. Our offerings are not to be taken as medical advice but as information for self-empowerment. Our primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves.

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