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Tools + Principles
of Elemental Magic

"Magic is the art
of changing consciouness at will."



~ Dion Fortune




Elemental Magic invokes the support of the forces of nature -
Earth, Water, Air & Fire, with the intention to create a sacred container

that empowers individual and collective liberation.


Our Elemental Allies

Elementals refers to the intelligent beings who give form to the natural world. 

They are invisible to most of us and play a key role in maintaining planetary harmony - 

purifying and balancing both the physical and subtle ecosystems on Earth.

Given the colossal burden they now carry, we will do our part to help ease their load.​


EARTH (Matter)


These beings are responsible for the building of matter... flowers, minerals, mountains, our amazing bodies. Their gift to us within our own physical form is structure and they empower strength and stability.


WATER (Emotions)


These beings are responsible creating and sustaining the rhythm which governs the tides and flows of water. They are connected to our emotional bodies and can help cleanse our discordant energies.



AIR (Thoughts)


These beings are responsible for purifying the atmosphere, animating the directional winds across the world. They are attuned to our mental body and can help sweep out stagnant thinking to bring forth clarity.



FIRE​ (Spirit)


These beings are responsible for dissolving the impurities released through the destructive use of our creative centers (thoughts/feelings). 

Their gift to us is the ultimate transmutation of our density into divinity.


Our Magical Toolbelt

It's time to bust out your wizard robes and sexy capes!
We'll be working with some powerful somatic + consciousness based tools 

to support and empower our intentions for freedom.



We use somatic practices, like breathwork, to harmonize the elemental energies in our own bodies, which gives us greater capacity to liberate others.


We will use the power of invocation to create a forcefield of freedom, supported by our elemental allies and higher frequencies.

Ecstatic Dance

Dance has been used for centuries to alter consciousness and attune with the wild forces. Doesn't hurt that it's a total blast too.


Group Coherence

Studies have shown that groups who synergize their hearts and minds together can have a powerful impact on the world at large.


Sacred Fire

This refers to the rays of inner light imbued with divine qualities like freedom and love, which can be invoked to transmute dense energies.


Energy Transmission

There is a vast energetic web that connects us to each other and the subtle body of the Earth, enabling us to send transforming energy globally.

The Universal Principles

Our world is governed by both scientific and spiritual principles (laws).

Just like the law of gravity is irrefutable, so too, are the universal laws. 

They empower our Dancemissions in a big way, making sure that everything

is in full alignment with the highest good. 


Law of Oneness

This law states that everything is connected, from the smallest particle of life to the greatest. This means we can have a powerful global ripple effect.

Law of Grace

This law ensures that everything we do is qualified to unfold in accordance with the highest good of all, honoring free will and the divinity in all beings.

Law of Correspondence

This law states, "As above, so below". Everything in our world has its roots in the unseen world, which means inner change creates outer change.

Law of Forgiveness

This law clears the karmic slate, releasing our collective consciousness from distortions so we can see creation in its pure and liberated state.

Law of Transmutation

This law states that higher vibration always consumes the lower. It empowers us with the ability to transmute fear and discord into love and liberation.

Law of Harmony

This law empowers our alignment with the underlying cosmic order of the universe, lending us a greater capacity to inspire collective harmony.

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