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Curious about
how it all works?
What makes this breathwork class unique?Science has proven what Eastern and indigenous cultures have known for centuries... that we are energetic beings with vibrational fields, the state of which can greatly impact our health. Trapped emotions and energies reside in our energy field just as they do in our bodies, incessantly draining our life force, if left unchecked. With that in mind, this class harnesses the synergistic power of breathwork and energy healing simultaneously to reach deep into the body AND the energetic field to release the blocks that are preventing the optimal flow of vitality throughout our entire being. This holistic approach aims to deliver the deepest level of transformation as each modality is a powerhouse on it's own but woven together, the potential for embodied results is significantly increased.
What is life force and how does it get blocked?Life force is the vital essence and animating force that flows through all things. Mystical poets have called it, "the breath within the breath." Yogis have called it prana. The Chinese have called it qi or chi. These ancient cultures also taught us that the human body has subtle energetic pathways through which this life force flows and when it gets blocked, we can suffer from disease, dysfunction, depression, etc. Things that block life force include: unresolved trauma, repressed emotions, limiting beliefs, negative thinking, chronic stress, stifling creative expression, being inauthentic, to name a few. That's why we've designed this class to help clear the blocks and get things flowing!
What kind of breathwork is involved?The primary breath pattern we will use is known as conscious connected breathing, a simple circular pattern of breath without any pauses in between the inhalation and exhalation. When we experience turbulent emotions or stressful situtations, we often hold our breath as part of our physiological response. This causes emotions to get stuck in the body, blocking the natural flow of vitality within your system. Through the consisent rhythm of this breath pattern, you can clear out years worth of old emotional baggage, opening up your energy channels to allow vital life force to flow with ease. Woohoo! Instruction is given each class to support new students.
What do you mean by somatics?Soma is the Greek word for body. Somatics refers to the use of body-based practices such as movement, sounding, breathwork, inner child/parts work, presencing, to empower embodied liberation and transformation. It is a holistic term that also relates to our physical, mental, astral and emotional bodies, where our many blocks reside. In these classes, we will focus primarily on breathwork, weaving in other supportive practices as guided.
This seems pretty 'woo'. How do I know it's for me?Even if it seems out of your comfort zone, we encourage you to come check it out at least once! If anything we say doesn’t resonate, just let it go and focus on the breath. We promise we won’t be offended. If it turns out it isn’t for you, you can have a good laugh as it simply becomes a funny story about that crazy thing you did that time. And you never know, you just might leave feeling better than when you came.
Who shouldn't do breathwork?As breathwork can be really intense, triggering profound emotional and physiological releases, it may not be suitable for everyone. It is imperative to let us know in advance if you are experiencing any of the following conditions: * Cardiovascular disease * Glaucoma * Detached retina * History of strokes or seizures * Osteoporosis * Asthma and lung related diseases * Pregnancy * Epilepsy * High blood pressure * Bi-polar, schizophrenia and psychiatric conditions that may impair your ability to process intense emotional releases
Do I have to be in great shape to do somatic dance?While the dance can really get the heart rate up, you get to choose your own intensity, so all fitness levels are welcome.
What is remote energy work?Simply put, remote energy work is a transmission of subtle energy using the focused power of intention to help promote your body's own self-healing mechanisms, done from a distance. It works similarly to acupuncture or acupressure to remove energy blockages, supporting the natural flow of life force through the body and energy field. It can be done 1 on 1 or for groups.
How does remote healing work?At the heart of distant energy healing is the human energy field, a subtle yet pervasive electromagnetic aura that envelops our physical bodies. While conventional medicine primarily focuses on the tangible aspects of health, quantum physics delves into the realm of subatomic particles and their behavior. According to quantum studies, all matter, including our bodies, is composed of vibrating energy fields interconnected at a fundamental level. This deeply resonates with ancient healing traditions that view health as a balance of energies within and around the body. The proven principle of quantum entanglement demonstrates that particles, once in contact remain connected, influencing each other's states regardless of spatial separation. This means that we can transmit healing energy to anyone, anywhere in the world and it will have an impact. Just as a focused thought can influence our emotional state, concentrated intentions directed towards healing can resonate with the quantum energy field, initiating cascades of physiological responses, no matter the distance. This short cartoon demonstrates how electrons can act as both a particle and a wave depending on whether or not they are observed. This is the incredible power we all have to help one another energetically configure to the liberated version of ourselves we so desire. Pretty awesome, right? There are also numerous studies on the positive results of energy medicine modalities like Reiki and remote healing. Here a couple for your easy reference: 2023 Study on Experiences of Virtual Healing 2011 Study on Reiki Improving Mood and Well-being
Disclaimer ~ Please ReadBreathwork, energy work and somatic dance are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. These classes are not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. These sessions are offered as part of our practice as a facilitators, healers and coaches. Our offerings are not to be taken as medical advice but as information for self-empowerment. Our primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves.
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