Free Your Trapped Life Force
Empower Embodied Liberation
Find Your Ideal Glow State
Most People Settle
for a Lackluster Life Because...
They constantly feel
drained and depleted
They are overwhelmed
with stress and anxiety
They are riddled with
energetic blockages
They struggle to make
real and lasting changes
They lack the support
to liberate themselves
They are afraid to own
their 'yes' and their 'no'
If this sounds all too familiar,
this program will help change your tune.

The 4 Golden Pillars
of a Liberated Life

Pillar #1
July 7: Detox from Stress and Anxiety
July 14: Build Immunity and Resilience
July 21: Turn Pain into Pleasure
July 28: Reveal Your Natural Radiance

Pillar #2
August 4: Clean Up Your Relational Past
August 11: Release Sabotaging Patterns
August 18: Become a Vibrational Match
for Your Heart's Desire
August 25: Unleash the Love You Seek

Pillar #3
September 1: Rise Out of a Lack Mindset
September 8: Align with the True Source of Wealth
September 15: Establish Solid Gold Self Worth
September 22: Increase Your Money Magnetism

Pillar #4
October 6: Burn Down the Need to Belong
October 13: Stoke Your Creative Fires
October 20: Ignite the Courage to Be Your Incendiary Self
October 27: Step into the Flames of a Radically Authentic Life

What Do I Get With This
16 x 90 minute weekly classes with recordings (on Sunday's)
Downloadable workbook and meditations for each pillar
Weekly energetic tune-up sessions (between classes)
Community container to foster connection and momentum
The program media, tune-ups and container
are only available for full-program participants.
This 4 Month Package Will Help You
Build the 4 Golden Pillars of a Liberated Life
Each pillar opens at the beginning of the month.
You can start with the pillar about to open
and make your way through all 4 pillars without missing out on any
as a new cycle begins after Self-Expression completes.
Class is on Sunday's at 11am Pacific.
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1 hr 30 min
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1 hr 30 min
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1 hr 30 min
33 Canadian dollars

Breathwork, energy work and tuning forks are not a substitute for traditional medical treatment. This class is not intended to be used to diagnose, cure, treat, or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder nor is it a substitute for seeking professional health care advice and services. If you have a serious health imbalance please see a Doctor or other appropriate professional, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program.
These sessions are offered as part of our practice as a facilitators, healers and coaches. Our offerings are not to be taken as medical advice but as information for self-empowerment. Our primary efforts are directed to helping others discover, acquire and activate their own abilities to heal themselves.